Concept: The representativeness of a sample refers to the extent to which the sample or sample taken represents the location or ore body unit (or population) being sampled. Its quantitative representation is analog error or representative error. The representativeness of the sample is divided into three categories: total (or overall) representative, hierarchical or local representative, and individual representative. Automatic Concrete Mixer,Small Concrete Mixer Electric,Self-Loading Concrete Mixer,Towable Concrete Mixer Shandong Zeyu Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. ,
Sampling representativeness and reliability are undoubtedly the core issues of sampling. Economically and effectively obtaining samples with certain representativeness and reliability are the basis and criteria for selecting and evaluating sampling methods, sampling measures, and programs. Factors affecting the representativeness of sampling: Figure 4-5-8 Sketch of the influence of the sample size on the grade change (according to Ð.Б. Kazindan, 1984) As can be seen from Figure 4-5-8, as the sample size (geometry) becomes smaller, the observation The variability will become larger, and conversely, the larger the sample size, the more uniform the change.
Figure 4-5-9 Sketch of the influence of sample shape on grade change (According to ÐБå¡æ—¥ä¸¹, 1984) Under the conditions of mineralization characteristics, when the sample volume is the same and the geometry is different, the sampling results will be different. As can be seen in Fig. 4-5-9, for the mineralization of such features, the observation results of the "linear" samples are obviously more uniform than the observations of the square samples, and more reflect the overall variation characteristics of the ore quality. If the grade value is an independent random variable, then:
Where: δ - absolute error of the mean;  σ - standard deviation grade observations;  τ - relative error of the mean; the number of observations of -; -  n Grade variation coefficient  V .分级 Graded representative evaluation can establish confidence intervals for grade frequencies at all levels. If the distribution law of the grade of the deposit is known, the distribution law can also be tested. Individual representative evaluations can be used for cryptographic sampling within the range of individual sample impacts, or for error assessment using the same or different sampling methods that are more reliable (eg, larger). Note: The Kriging method in geostatistics is based on a certain eigenvalue data (such as grade value) of several information samples inside and outside a block, and a linearity is made on a certain eigenvalue (grade) of the block. Estimation method for unbiased and minimum estimated variance (variation of estimation error). That is, after considering the geometric shape of the shape and size of the information sample and its spatial distribution position with the block to be estimated, and the spatial structure information of the grade (reflected by the variogram or covariance function), The method of linear, unbiased and minimum estimation error variance, and each sample value is given a certain weight coefficient, and then the weighted average class is used to estimate the average grade of the block. This method not only guarantees a most accurate estimate, avoids errors as much as possible, but also provides the concept of estimation error (accuracy). For the calculation of the variance of the overall and local average grade estimates and their estimation errors, as well as the specific methods and procedures for the grade estimation of the specific samples (points), please refer to the relevant information.