At this time of Chair hardware should be flat or flip open, chair hardwares include shaft to open chairs or hinge and the chairs shut device such as pin.In order to improve the chairs the wind strength, it is widely used outside the chairs. But hinge must be exposed outside the chairs, the wind and rain erosion resistance of hinge became a problem. Now some of the more than one hundred old buildings in Europe, you can also see 10 times larger than present ordinary hinge of metal hinge, the hinge on the style and ancient European construction is harmonious.Outside the chair hardware of the another question is to prevent the casement of open type in free violently movement under the action of wind, so have the so-called limiter, the limiter in many ways are prone to failure parts. Chair Hardware,Aluminum Die Casting Chair Hardware,Chair Hardware Parts,Chair Accessories Hardware NINGBO ZHENHAI BOLANG METAL PRODUCT FACTORY , Aircraft classification The aircraft is not only widely used in civil transportation and scientific research, but also an important weapon in modern military, so it is divided into civilian aircraft and military aircraft.
Apart from passenger aircrafts and transport aircrafts, civil aircrafts include agricultural machines, forest protection machines, aerial survey machines, medical ambulance machines, tour machines, business jets, sports machines, experimental research machines, meteorological machines, stunt performance machines, and law enforcement machines.
Aircraft can also be classified by the shape, number, and relative position of the components.
According to the number of wings, they can be divided into single-wing machines, biplanes and multi-wing machines. According to the position of the wing relative to the fuselage, it can be divided into lower single wing, medium single wing and upper single wing aircraft.
According to the location of horizontal tailplanes and whether there are horizontal tailplanes, they can be divided into normal layout aircraft (horizontal tailplanes behind the wing), duck planes (front fuselage is equipped with small wingplanes) and tailless aircraft (without horizontal tailplanes); normal The layout of the aircraft has a single vertical tail, double vertical tail, multiple vertical tail and V-tail type.
According to use can be divided into fighter, bomber, attack aircraft, interceptors. According to the type of propulsion device, it can be divided into propeller aircraft and jet aircraft;
According to the type of engine, can be divided into piston aircraft, turboprop aircraft and jet aircraft;
According to the number of engines, it can be divided into single-engine aircraft, double-engine aircraft and multi-engine aircraft.
According to the type of landing gear, it can be divided into land planes, seaplanes and amphibious aircraft.
It can also be classified according to the flight performance of the aircraft: Hypersonic aircraft.
According to the range of the aircraft, it can be divided into short-range aircraft, medium-range aircraft and long-range aircraft.